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2022 Annual Flu Shot Clinic Dates

It’s that time of year!

Healthy kids of any age can get seriously sick from the flu, and they can spread it to family, friends and others. Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine every year.

Our Annual Flu Clinic at the Main Office on College Street will be available...

Saturday, Oct. 8th, Noon-3:30pm BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

Saturday, Oct. 22nd, Noon-3:30pm BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

Please, arrive on time for your scheduled appointment.

Masks are required.

Children 6 months to 7 years should wear shorts or a skirt so their legs are exposed for the injection as to avoid exposure to the public.

Older children 7 years and up should wear a short sleeve shirt so their upper arm is exposed for the injection.

Weather permitting, flu vaccines will be administered outdoors in designated areas of our parking lot.

If you are unable to attend one of the scheduled flu clinics, please contact the office for further scheduling options.


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